Abington, PA –It is practically impossible to go throughout life without being afraid of something; individuals who claim to fear nothing can often still become unnerved at some point in their lives. However, when fear intensifies, it can be a crippling experience that interferes with daily life. That is why Philadelphia-based hypnotists from BuxMont Hypnosis are offering hypnosis for fear, to assist individuals with ridding their fears for good.
Abington, PA – Hypnosis has been accepted as a valid, scientific treatment since the mid-1950’s, by both The American and British Medical Associations, and it has been widely accepted by medical practices across the Western world. The benefits of hypnotism are known, understood, and studied by established academic institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, Yale and Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. The United States military forces have also studied and utilized hypnosis.
Abington, PA –EFT is a form of psychological therapy that was developed by Gary Craig in 1993 to eliminate negative emotions and physical ailments that individuals struggle with. Much like hypnotism, EFT heals the body by releasing any potential blockages in the energy system. However, unlike hypnotism, EFT uses an acupressure technique to heal anything from physical pain to anxiety.