Manage Stress

Hypnosis for Stress Management

Are you ready to enter a new and better chapter of your life—and deal with roadblocks that have been keeping you stuck? Hypnosis for stress management is recognized as a well-researched and powerful modality that helps get you unstuck.

From feelings of depression/sadness and “the blues” to habits or issues brought on by stress and anxiety, hypnotherapy has a track record of excellent results that bring relief.

Relaxation and Stress Management

With hypnosis for stress and coaching, you will have a healthier outlook on life, promote calm breathing and relaxation, identify and address factors creating stress in your life. Instead of exhausting your mind with all sorts of worries and concerns, you’ll have clarified thinking, a mind at ease, become rested and rejuvenated, as you gain a better perspective on your life.

Feelings of Depression/Sadness

If you are looking for a 100% natural and drug-free method to help eliminate feelings of Sadness, Anxiousness and Deep Blues, hypnosis may be a great option for you. Unlike antidepressants, hypnosis does not mask the underlying issue causing the sad feelings. This, coupled with the potential side-effects of these drugs as well as their addictive nature, can make them an unappealing form of therapy for many people.

Hypnosis for Stress-related Nail Biting

Onychophagia or nail biting is a common stress-relieving habit. You may bite your nails in times of stress or excitement, or in times of boredom (biting to bleeding).

Hypnosis for Stress-related Hair Loss

With Trichotillomania (hair loss from repeated urges to pull or twist the hair until it breaks off, patients are unable to stop this behavior, even as their hair becomes thinner).  

Dealing with Anger Issues

Are you angry and not sure why?  Or perhaps you have an idea of why you’re angry but can’t seem to overcome the negative effects it is having on your life? Hypnotherapy and hypnosis help you change the behavior and get to the root of the cause.

Postpartum Stress and Breast Feeding

Hypnosis helps with the emotional and tense moments after birth. Stress while breastfeeding is a common issue. With Hypnosis, the new mother can learn techniques for a relaxed and enjoyable experience with her new bundle of joy.

Effects of Stress on Your Health
Are you feeling edgy, unfocused, irritable — or just not right? Maybe you’re constantly in motion – doing, going and feeling pulled in too many directions.  Does your over-driven mind feel as though it’s affecting you physically?

When your conscious mind is overloaded with stress, anxiety, and worry, your subconscious mind sends signals your body. As a result, physiological changes occur.

Examples of Physical Signs of Stress

For example, your heart races, blood pressure elevates, and immune system functioning may become compromised.  The symptoms don’t end there. Additional signs of stress include tense muscles, stomach feels nauseous, your energy level is depleted, and your sleep is disrupted.

Be warned, science has demonstrated links between prolonged stress and significant health issues, so it’s important to take action. Finding an effective means to reduce stress is critical. There is a growing body of research demonstrating the effectiveness of Hypnosis in reducing stress, enhancing immune system functioning, and promoting overall health.

Using Hypnosis to Manage Stress

With hypnosis and coaching, you will be able to:

    • induce feelings of calm and relaxation, and
    • uncover and address factors creating stress in your life.

Instead of exhausting your mind with all sorts of issues and worries, with the help of hypnosis you’ll allow your mind to rest and rejuvenate, gain a better perspective, and focus clearly on those things you want to focus on.

You will become a “partner” in the process of stress management and relaxation. That means pausing your life for a few minutes each day to practice self-hypnosis and listen to a reinforcement CD. This simple step will allow for peaceful relief from a rat raced, hectic routine.

Cancer and Hypnosis:
I must say before attending Buxmont Hypnosis I was very nervous and afraid after being diagnosed with a malignant Liver tumor attributed to a blood disorder I contracted 25 years ago.  Dawn the director of Buxmont Hypnosis contacted me for encouragement. After several sessions, my life changed completely. She helped me understand the critical importance of Hypnosis combined with positive thinking and faith in what I believe.  Even my doctors were surprised by my attitude change even with the bleak prognosis. I could go on and on but,  I’ll have more and more to share. I am so blessed by the love, tenacious commitment and skills of both Dawn and Stan. When I was unable to obtain transportation for a session they even picked me up. Their level of professionalism and compassion far exceeds my words of expression.

I am currently in remission, this is three months after starting at BuxMont Hypnosis.

Thank you so much for giving me hope BuxMont Hypnosis.

**Martha A. 

“I was often short and impatient with others; I needed to learn acceptance and relaxation. Dawn helped me to realize this self-sabotaging behavior pushed people away. This was not my intent I later found that I was primarily impatient with me. After my session, I was at peace with myself and less critical. I was surprised by my improvement at a follow-up session.”

** Zemirah S.

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