
Hypnotist Dawn Govan-ReeseDawn Govan-Reese, NCH, C.LAC., C.MI CCLYI.,

Nationally Certified Hypnotist, ( NGH) Certified Law of Attraction Counselor, Meditation Instructor, Yoga Instructor (specialty in children), Reiki Practitioner, Providing Hypnosis and Coaching Services throughout the tri-state area. Many years in the medical field as a Phlebotomist and Medical office assistant.

Director, Dawn Govan-Reese, Nationally Certified Hypnotist and coach has also empowered many people to improve health, increase wealth, develop more meaningful relationships increase self-esteem/ and self-worth. Thus, if you are retired and looking to stop smoking or lose weight, a diabetic who needs to overcome eating binges or a CEO who wants to get the edge in life, we have a program for you.

The Words of Dawn Govan-Reese of Buxmont Hypnosis

“With many Years of operating a daycare and working with and advocating for seriously troubled youth, especially mother-baby teens, my passion for helping others was inspired and enhanced as I furthered my experience in the medical field as a phlebotomist and medical office assistant. Still, there was a void- I longed to expand my resourcefulness to help my community.

Attracted serendipitously to the Scott Mcfall method of hypnosis, I was trained with this unique and effective approach by Tim Shurr of Hypnotism Academy of Indiana with ongoing mentoring with Tim Shurr at Indy Hypnosis and IHTC for continual growth. I’ve acquired International Hypnosis training and Certification through the National Guild of Hypnotist.

Why hypnosis? Because it works to get you what you want. Hypnosis has helped me and other renowned individuals even reaching as far as the Vatican. Medical doctors are now recognizing the benefits of Hypnosis as an alternative means of treatment. Our communities are bombarded by stress and anxiousness and Hypnosis helps many. We work with the whole person by promoting the connection between the mind, body, and spirit with guided imagery and relaxation.

As a certified meditation instructor trained in Vipassana meditation various clients have found creative ways to cope while avoiding burn out. Certified as a Childlight Yoga Instructor for many children from ages two and up are taught creatively to relax… With Children, Yoga works by incorporating creative movement, awareness, focus and balance while increasing strength and flexibility. Relaxation through Yoga helps in de-stressing while quieting the mind, decreasing fidgeting and impulsiveness. The bonus includes respect for self and others as skills in reflection are heightened.

From the moment I had my first experience with the Scott McFall method to hypnosis, I was astonished at how hundreds of people all over the USA were being helped. With Ericksonian, progressive, NLP, Elman hypnosis modalities, I have been astounded by the unlimited potential of the amazing human mind. I see every technique as a new opportunity to help someone to achieve their goals. Your subconscious mind holds the keys to unlock your ability to achieve your dreams and goals. Clients are refreshingly surprised with their results.”

What is a Hypnotist?

A clinical hypnotist is one who is trained to guide clients to an altered state of awareness, perception or consciousness for treating a psychological or physical problem. Hypnosis puts the client into a highly relaxed state and focused attention, making the mind more powerful.

A clinical hypnotist is one who is trained to perform these techniques. Most cities and states have professional societies and licensing laws to regulate the professionals. The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis takes a very strong position that hypnosis for the treatment of medical and psychological conditions should only be performed by licensed clinicians. Hypnosis is a long standing treatment, and modern hypnosis has been practiced since the early 1700’s.

How is Hypnosis Used and How Much Does it Cost?

Hypnosis is used to treat conditions such as fear, anxiety, smoking control, weight control, alcohol control and daily living skills such as self-esteem enhancement, memory improvement, concentration and many more.

The length of time for treatment varies depending on the problem and the severity. The cost also varies by provider and geographical area. Many insurance companies will cover some portion of hypnosis for certain treatments.

Misconception About Hypnosis

Many people think hypnosis renders the client unconscious or puts them to sleep. This is untrue. Even in a deep hypnotic state the client remains in control and cannot be made to do anything against their will. Remember that clinical hypnosis is different from an entertaining hypnotist. Although a person may be very still and appear to be asleep, there is significant mental activity and studies show a great deal of neurological activity.

Our Hypnosis Center Location

We are conveniently located in Horsham, PA. Horsham Township is located in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 10 miles north of downtown Philadelphia.

Be sure to contact us for help with your goals.

Phone: 267-622-5103
Address: 1250 Easton Road, Suite 160
Horsham, PA 19044

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Call now 267-622-5103 for your free hypnosis interview.
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